Placenta Encapsulation

Providing Placenta Pills Encapsulation services to Fall River, Massachusetts and surrounding area, including Rhode Island.

How Does Placenta Encapsulation Work

  1. Placenta is cleaned and prepared

  2. If art prints are requested, prints are created

  3. If steaming method is requested or required, placenta is first steamed on both sides until the internal temperature reaches 140-160 Degrees Fahrenheit

  4. Placenta is dehydrated for 12 - 24 hours, at 160 Degrees Fahrenheit

    1. If Umbilical Cord Keepsake is requested, the Umbilical Cord is dehydrated (typically in heart shape)

  5. Dehydrated placenta is ground into a fine powder and added to capsules, packaged, and delivered to you with any other requested products

If you’re interested in simply honoring your amazing organ that your body grew to hold your baby for 9 months of pregnancy, I can still prepare your placenta for:

  • spreading its ashes

    • also makes a great fertilizer

  • an umbilical cord keepsake

  • art prints

  • a topical salve for:

    • a moisturizing body butter for you and/or baby

    • cradle cap

    • first aid

    • Eczema/dry skin

    • burns

    • nipple butter

    • scars

You don’t have to consume your placenta

  • diaper rash

  • lip balm

  • Psoriasis

  • [healed] Cesarean-section scar

  • stretch marks

  • baby’s boo-boos

I encourage you to browse through my selection of [below] products to discover which placenta products best fit your family’s wishes.

PLEASE NOTE: If birthing at Charlton Memorial or St. Luke’s, we can only process NON-CONSUMABLE placenta products

PLEASE NOTE: If birthing at Charlton Memorial or St. Luke’s, we can only process NON-CONSUMABLE placenta products


Gift Certificates available*

* make a great baby shower gift idea!


Standard Package


Available capsule flavors:

  • Unflavored

    • Vegetarian

    • Vegan

  • Strawberry

  • Bubblegum

  • Grape

  • Lime

  • Berry

  • Coffee


Placenta Preparation

Includes Placenta Preparation for:

  • Meal Consumption

  • Ashes to Spread


à la carte

  • Tincture $25

  • Salve (topical body butter) $25/each

  • Umbilical Cord Keepsake $20

  • Art Prints $15

  • Chocolates (box of 12) $35/box

    • Chocolates only available as add-on to Standard Placenta Pills Package


Must be paid in full by 36 weeks gestation.

PLEASE NOTE: I can only offer a limited amount of spots each month, which are filled first-come-first-served.

For expected multiples, an additional $40 fee per additional newborn will be applied (for extra supplies)

All products are subject to Massachusetts 6.25% Sales Tax

What to Expect

Placenta Pickup

  • I will provide you with an insulated bag to bring to your birthing place to contain your placenta. Nursing staff should be able to provide ice to keep your placenta cool until I arrive for pickup. You should check the ice regularly to ensure proper cooling is maintained in cooler.

  • If pickup is delayed, or birthing place requires immediate removal of placenta, it may be stored in your refrigerator for up to 48 hours. After 48 hours, you should freeze the placenta until pickup can be arranged.

  • Placenta pills and any other products required are typically ready for delivery between 2 and 4 days after pickup.

  • Products will be hand delivered and will include suggested usage guidelines.

Safety Protocols

  • Placentas are always dehydrated at a minimum of 160 Degrees Fahrenheit

  • Placentas are prepared in a dedicated space within my home, which is away from pets and off limits to others for the duration of placenta preparation

  • Placenta preparation space is cleaned and sanitized before and after each placenta processing day

  • To prevent cross-contamination, we use disposable items for each placenta; aside from dehydrator, grinder, and capsule filler, which are washed, then sanitized in a 15-minute bleach bath after each use

  • I only process one (1) placenta at a time, so your placenta will never get accidentally mistaken for someone else’s

  • New/Unused Personal Protective Equipment is worn during placenta processing

    • gown

    • apron

    • face mask

    • safety glasses or face shield

    • gloves

    • hair net

Placenta Tree Burial

Bring with you to your birthing place:

  • a container (or a few gallon sized freezer bags)

  • cooler for placenta.

Place the placenta (inside its container) inside the cooler with ice so that it remains fresh until it is home.

Freeze the placenta unless it will be buried within the first week after birth. It can remain safely frozen long-term.

Prior to burial, remove the placenta from any containers, and place the placenta into a biodegradable container.

Bury your placenta 16-18 inches into the ground, place some soil so the placenta has time to decompose before the tree’s roots reach the placenta, then plant your chosen tree 4-6 inches above your placenta (your tree should be planted about 12 inches deep into the ground).

To use a large urn or pot, place 6-8 inches of soil into the pot, then the placenta, then 4-6 inches of soil, then the tree.

Care for your newly planted placenta tree according to its tree planting guidelines.

Ready to honor the bliss you’ve birthed?